Sunday, October 31, 2010

Early Morning Texas Pictures

Hello everyone!  I can't 
believe it has been a week since
I last posted, but I have been 
pretty busy...I have been making 
20 ornies for our swap on Prim
Pals Forum, making a Halloween
costume for my husband to wear
for the costume judging at his job,
plus we went to the flea market
on Saturday....I am almost done,
the ornies need to be mailed out,
tomorrow.  Since I can't show you
any pictures of the ornies, I thought
I would show you a few pictures of
Texas in the early morning...Yes, I 
can get up early, (for those of you, 
that know I am not a morning person)
if I have to!  

This one might have been taken while 
in Oklahoma, yet....I love the mist 
hovering just above the ground!

This field had just a tiny bit of frost on
it and you can see, what looks like a 
gray cloud, in the distance.  It's not a 
cloud, it is mist rising off of water. There
are a lot of ponds a long this route. Texans
refer to them as tanks!  Well, they don't 
look like my idea of a tank, I don't see any
army green vehicles!...LOL

Here's another one of a misty lake.
Maybe I should go some place early,
more often!

That's it for tonight, thanks for stopping
by....I will try to get some pics of the 
Fall decorating, soon....Things have had
to come first.  

I would like to welcome my newest 
followers, I am so glad you signed on!

Until next time...

Bear Hugs~Karen


  1. Good Morning Karen....Lovely pictures, the mist rising from the "tank" is really neat....what was hubby's costume?
    Have a Great Day.....Traci

  2. love the foggy misty however its a downpour and cold...we have puddles everywhere..;) just want to snuggle up to a good fire and take a snooze.;)

  3. I am soooo not a morning person either. But when I do get up early, I never fail to witness something beautiful in Nature.
    Lovely photos and that bit about the word "tank" was interesting! I've missed your blog so much.

  4. I would have missed all this beauty Karen. I have to be shoved out of bed if I have to get up early. I'm going to have to send you a very large gold star for getting up with the sparrows... :-)xxx

  5. Gorgeous!! I love when God gives us such beauty to look at especially when we are on drives.


I love reading your comments, it makes my day!
Please stop by often.

Bear Hugs~Karen