Saturday, September 11, 2010

Remembering 9/11

Let's remember those who were
lost on this day, 9 years ago....

I know that this day, will be etched
in my memory forever, as I am sure
it will be in yours...Please pray for
those who lost loved ones, on that
horrible day and that nothing like
this, ever happens, again....

May we never forget! 

Fly your flag to show that we
are still united!

Until next time...

Bear Hugs~Karen


  1. Soo true Karen:) Thank you for remembering. Hugs~Carol

  2. my flag will be flying..I love your new blog look..very fall looking and inviting..have a great weekend..:)

  3. Hi Karen,
    The whole world will remember this day and our thoughts will go out to all the victims families.
    Best wishes, Angela.

  4. Very true Karen. We must always remember!! I'll be praying with you.

  5. i fly my flag everyday. i di it in honor of my s-i-l who's currently deployed to afghanistan for the next year. denise


I love reading your comments, it makes my day!
Please stop by often.

Bear Hugs~Karen