I am so glad that we made it
home, that drive yesterday, was
too long for me! I drove a long
way in the dark, with it raining.
I guess we shouldn't have
stopped at a couple antique
malls ;)....
Here are the rest of the festival
pictures that I took. I didn't
get a lot of pictures of the craft
booths inside, but the ones that
were outside, were interesting.
This is a great place to take your
kids to learn about how things
were done, a long time ago.
I am not sure what this man was
working on, I didn't get a good look,
but I think he had knives in his
I was at the festival, shortly after it
opened and this booth was pretty full...
They had fur boots and Davy Crockett
hats, little pouches, swords, necklaces
and more, outside the booth.

Love the teepee.
Making lye soap.
The picture, above gives me the creeps!
More furs...
A little Fall decorating and some of
the handmade baskets, that Linda
made.....And more, below.
Well, that is it for the festival pictures.
I wish I had gotten some pictures of
Santas, painted on driftwood, soda
bottles and anything else, they felt like
painting them on....I need to take a
picture of the crow and the mittens,
that I bought.....The mittens are
so cute! Thanks for stopping by
and thanks to those that have left
me comments, recently. My email
wasn't working, so I could not reply
back to you.....I hope you all had
a great Thanksgiving!
Until next time....
Bear Hugs & Blessings~Karen